Listening Through the Mirror: Why I Love Audio Books

When I was small, my very first audiobook narrators were my loved ones. They read to me, stories of princesses and fairies. Each book was like looking, or in my case listening, through a magical mirror! I could see a world that was not my own! It was in the castles and fairy gardens that I gained imagination, and a sense of wonder.
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Book Review: “Travels with Charley: In Search of America”

Sometimes, you begin a book without expecting much from it, and when you finish the last page, it is ranked among your personal classics. This is the experience I had while reading “Travels with Charley”, by John Steinbeck.
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Reading Goals for April

In January, I hit a reading slump.
It says a lot about the state of accessibility of books for the blind, that I could read so many as to go into any kind of downturn at all. So . . YAY technology, and YAY accessible books.
Now, how to get out of the slump!
The last eight years have been a reading honeymoon, a frenzy of books read in quick succession, a whirlwind of topics and genres with no plot or plan.
I decided that a few specific goals would help me break out of the reading doldrums.
Continue reading “Reading Goals for April”

The Book That Started It All

Ask any book lover, and they will tell you about a perfect intersection in time, when an author’s words meet a reader’s imagination. A book is transformed, from words on a page, to complete worlds! This moment is individual to each person, and it is pure unadulterated magic!
My love affair with the written word began long before 1981, but it was in the honeysuckled nights of April, in the year that I was seven, when I met Tabitha, Sarah, and all the cats. Continue reading “The Book That Started It All”